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The history of the town of Cheb is indeed long. The timeline depicts the most important moments in its history.

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Year Record
11. century
1061 The first written mention of Cheb
12. century
1135 The Cheb Region becomes an administrative unit
1140 The Cheb parish first mentioned
1146 After the death of Diepold III the family of Stauf takes over the Cheb Region
1149 Cheb referred to as a fortified market place
1167 The Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa takes over the Cheb Region
1179 The Cheb Castle construction begins
13. century
1203 Cheb is first called a town
1213 The first mention of the Castle chapel
1220 Construction of St. Nicholas town church begun
1241 The first known town seal
1256 The first monastery of the Minorites constructed
1258 The Order of the German Knights settles in Cheb
1264 The first mention of the Clarissine Order in Cheb
1266 Premysl Otakar II takes charge of the administration of Cheb
1270 Big fire devastates the old town
1271 Premysl Otakar II entrusts the municipal hospital to the Order of the Knights of the Cross
1277 Cheb designated as an imperial town for the first time
1279 Rudolf of Habsburg confirms Cheb all its rights and privileges
1285 The new Minorite church consecrated
1289 King Wenceslas II negotiates with Rudolf of Habsburg in Cheb
1291 Chebs gets protection of King Wenceslas II
1296 Wenceslas II gives approval for building the Dominican Monastery
14. century
1304 Albrecht of Habsburg takes control of the Cheb Region
1310 The oldest Cheb judicial book comes into being
1315 King Lewis of Bavaria declares Cheb as lien to the Czech king
1318 John of Luxemburg and Lewis of Bavaria negotiate at the Cheb Castle
1322 The Cheb Region annexed to the Czech Crown
1330 The Emperor Lewis´s Golden Bull exempts Cheb from customs duties all over the Empire
1349 Charles IV licences Cheb for the right to mint its own coins
1350 The first big Jewish pogrom in Cheb
1352 The Town Book of Law put into writing
1355 Golden Bull of Emperor Charles IV exempts Cheb from customs duties
1375 The new synagogue construction finished
1376 King Wenceslas IV confirms Cheb all its privileges and freedoms
1389 King Wenceslas IV negotiates land peace in the Imperial Assembly in Cheb
1390 The town tax rolls founded
15. century
1414 Construction of St. Bartholomew Church finished
1430 Cheb besieged by Hussite troops
1432 A judge appointed to settle conflict between the Calixtines and the Council of Basle
1437 The Emperor Zikmund´s Golden Bull confirms Cheb all its privileges
1440 St. Jodok Church behind the Ship Gate consecrated
1458 King George of Podebrady confirms Cheb all its privileges and freedoms
1459 Negotiations in Cheb result in acknowledging the reign of King George of Podebrady
1461 King George of Podebrady summons the Imperial Council to Cheb
1467 King George of Podebrady resides at the Cheb Castle as the last ruler
1469 Interdict over town prolonged due to Cheb´s loyalty to King George of Podebrady
1470 The first printing works in Cheb opened in the Spalicek housing complex
1471 The first preserved picture of the Market Square with the Spalicek housing complex
1472 Big fire in the surroundings of the Janske Square devastates 111 houses
1475 St. Nicholas Church reconstruction in the Gothic style finished
1489 Johann Widmann from Cheb uses the signs of + and – as the first person in history
1495 The Emperor Maximilian confirms Cheb all its privileges and freedoms
16. century
1525 Cheb citizens´ revolt leads to removal of two burgomasters
1528 The fountain in the Market Square receives the first wooden statue
1531 The oldest pub At the Red Horse mentioned
1540 The town of Cheb operates the first paper mill in the Stein municipality
1542 Humanist Caspar Bruschius describes Cheb as a charming renaissance town
1547 Emperor Charles V and King Ferdinand arrive in Cheb during the Schmalkald war
1552 The new municipal armoury built
1560 Scribe Pankraz Engelhart finishes the oldest municipal chronicle
1563 Cheb doctor Georg Zechendorff´s textbook on surgery gets published
1564 The first evangelic mass celebrated in Cheb
1570 Hans Burger´s printery in Cheb starts publishing specialized literature
1589 The Adulterers´ revolt in Cheb put down brutally
17. century
1604 The new Gregorian calendar introduced in Cheb
1608 The town of Cheb takes patronage over the Cheb parish
1619 Czech patriots welcome the Winter King Friedrich of Paletinate in Cheb
1625 Albrecht of Wallenstein first arrives in Cheb to recruit soldiers
1627 Zahájení rekatolizace a vydání milostivého dekretu pro Cheb
1631 Saxony troops occupy Cheb and the Protestants return to the town
1632 Cheb re-conquered by Wallenstein´s troops
1634 Albrecht of Wallenstein assassinated in Cheb
1644 Adam Eck, an artisan woodcutter, opens a workshop specialising in making Cheb inlays
1645 Big fire devastates 82 houses in the town
1647 Cheb besieged and conquered by Swedish troops
1649 Swedish troops leave Cheb
1652 Emperor Ferdinand III orders Cheb to finish the process of recatolisation
1655 The plan for the Cheb fortress construction approved
1662 Baroque facade of the Gabler house in the Market square finished
1665 A new poorhouse built near St. Jodok Church
1669 Hans Georg Fischer, the second most significant maker of Cheb inlays, dies
1674 The foundation stone for the construction of the new Dominican Church is laid
1687 Balthasar Neumann, a significant baroque architect, was born in Cheb
1693 Johann Michael Widtmann appointed the first Cheb postmaster
1694 St. Vincent´s earthly remains buried in St. Nicholas Church
18. century
1703 The first printed newspaper Egerer Ordinari Zeitung published in Cheb
1705 The Jesuit convent construction finished
1712 The new St. Clara Church, built from Ch. Dientzenhofer´s design, consecrated
1715 The first separate map of the Cheb Region based on cartographical measurements published
1720 The new Dominican monastery construction finished
1721 The last session of the Cheb Municipal Assembly accepts the so called Pragmatic Sanction
1723 Cheb population is 6483
1728 The new renaissance town hall construction designed by G. Alliprandi finished
1740 The Cheb fortress construction finished
1742 French troops besiege and conquer Cheb, St. Nicholas Church damaged by fire
1747 Architect Balthasar Neumann finishes designs for restoring St. Nicholas towers
1782 The Clarisse convent abolished
1787 Cheb incorporated into the Prague archbishopric
1793 Fire devastates 99 houses in the castle surroundings
19. century
1800 Cheb is a fortified town with a permanent garrison
1808 The decree ordering the demolition of the Cheb fortress officially promulgated
1809 A large fire devastates the northern part of the old town
1810 The new south tower of St. Nicholas Church covered with a Neo-Gothic helm roof
1817 A new bridge over the Ohre River constructed
1826 The Ohre valley becomes accessible after the construction of the Kachni kamen footbridge
1828 The new Myslivna restaurant changes a former infirmary into a popular tourist destination
1829 A new shooting-range built beneath the Castle
1830 Dedication of the new High School building
1836 Construction started on barracks
1839 Construction of the municipal hospital on Balthasar Neumann Square completed
1845 The royal town of Cheb has 10,459 inhabitants and 802 houses
1850 Cheb becomes the seat of the District Captain
1857 Construction of the Revenue District Office
1862 Project elaborated for the new street leading to the railway station
1863 Construction of the 378 m long railway viaduct started
1864 Construction of gasworks in the suburban town of Lodní předměstí
1865 With opening of the railway station Cheb became connected to Bavaria and Saxony
1865 Construction of the Evangelic School with parsonage
1866 Demolition of the Mlýnská brána (Mill Gate) beneath the castle
1869 Laying of the foundation stone for the Evangelical Church
1871 Demolition of the Horní brána (Upper Gate) in Březinova Street
1872 Construction of the town brewery „Aktienbrauerei“ completed
1873 One of the first town museums in Bohemia was founded
1874 Opening of the new theatre building
1875 Construction of the new central school building - Rudolphinum
1880 Construction of the St. Florian Benefit Society building
1881 An iron footbridge is built beneath the castle at Písečná brána (Sand Gate)
1883 Fire of the Golden Sun Hotel on the Market Square
1885 Construction of the new Savings Bank building
1886 Handing over the first building of Municipal Barracks
1887 Unveiling of the monument to Emperor Joseph II. on the Market Square
1891 Foundation of the bicycle factory Premier
1892 New school is opened near the Upper Gate
1893 Dedication of the new synagogue
1896 Construction of the new town slaughterhouse
1898 First singing and exhibition hall in Ohře valley is built
1899 Construction of the new iron bridge over the Ohře
20. century
1900 Czech genius Jara Cimrman visits the Spalicek complex to have a few glasses of beer
1900 New building of the Escompt Bank in Svobody Street
1901 Opening of the View-point in the Ohře valley
1902 Construction of the school in Karlova Street
1904 Construction of the infirmary house
1905 Completed construction of the new law court and prison building
1907 Construction of the new Austro-Hungarian Bank building
1909 Opening of the school in Komenského sady
1910 Municipal power station is built, new town hospital opened
1911 Opening of the new municipal library, foundation of the Eska plant
1912 Unveiling of the new monument to soldiers killed in the war in the municipal park
1913 Unveiling of the Turner Monument on Špitálský vrch
1914 Construction of new barracks in front of the Mostní brána (Bridge Gate) completed
1916 A prisoner camp for 10 000 war captives is built near Cheb
1917 First military airport in Bohemia is established in Cheb
1918 Citizens of Cheb Region declare its independence from German-Bohemia on Oct. 27
1918 After agreement with town representatives Czech corps occupy Cheb on Dec.16
1922 National Day in Cheb becomes demonstration for special position of Cheb Region
1925 A new Czech school construction
1927 The Svoboda Municipal Hall starts operation
1931 A new Singer and Exhibition Hall is built in Ohře valley
1933 Sudet-German Patriotic Front founded in Cheb
1934 The first after-war Wallenstein Games revival
1935 The Sudet-German Party becomes the strongest political party in the borderland
1938 Freikorps troops occupy Cheb on Oct. 1 after signing of the Munich treaty
1939 Cheb becomes part of a German-Empire district Sudetenland
1944 First significant bombing of the town
1945 American Army liberates the town of Cheb on Apr. 26
1945 The first Czech administration is established
1946 German inhabitants ejection is finished
1947 Memorial to American Army is unveiled in Municipal Park
1948 The communists at the head of the action committees take control vigorously
1951 Memorial to American Army in Municipal Park is removed
1956 Historical town centre reconstruction begins
1958 Youth Brass Orchestra is founded
1960 The construction of the Spaleniste housing estate begins
1961 A new czech permanent theatre scene starts operating
1962 New railway station construction is finished
1965 Hradcany housing estate construction begins
1968 The Soviet Army seize Cheb
1969 The communists of Cheb started so called normalisation
1970 Beginning of the FIJO festival tradition
1971 Skalka housing estate construction begins
1979 Cheb becomes football major league town
1981 The centre of Cheb is declared as listed town reserve
1985 Earthquake damages dozens of houses
1985 Zlatý vrch (Golden Hill) housing estate construction begins
1989 Crowded square demands free elections and the end of totality
1990 First democratic town council since 1948 is elected
1990 Faculty of Economy is founded
1991 Euregio Egrensis is founded - for Bohemia, Bavaria and Vogtland
1992 Association for restoring the place of pilgrimage Maria Loreto in Hroznatov is founded
1993 By-pass highway construction begins
1994 New grammar school building and school at Golden Hill are opened
1995 The brewery of Cheb stops brewing beer after 123 years
1997 Local boiler houses switch to a smokeless fuel heating system
1998 A year after the fire the municipal theatre is reopened
21. century
2001 The tradition of the Wallenstein´s Days Festival is renewed
2002 Industrial estate construction starts
2004 A new ice stadium is opened
2005 Bismarck outlook tower is open for public
2006 Revitalisation of the right river bank culminates in the Garden Exhibition
2007 A new shopping centre grows in the place of former barracks
2008 Restoring the St. Nicholas Church towers is finished
2009 Restoration of the pedestrian zone is begun
2010 Finishing the war tombs at the municipal cemetery is done
2011 950 years passed

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Interactive Encyclopaedia of the Town of Cheb

Interactive Encyclopaedia of the Town of Cheb
Overview of Top 200 Historic Sites in Cheb.